On 18th September I was announced the winner of the 9. Internationaler Orgelwettbewerb um den Hermann-Schroeder-Preis. I was also awarded the Special Prize for the best performance of the Schoreder’s chorals’ cycle in the first video round. Of 26 candidates representing various countries 9 were competing in the semi-final round in Himmerod Abbey and 3 of these, representing Germany, South Korea and Poland were admitted to the finals in Konstantin-Basilika (Aula Palatina) in Trier. It was a great honor to play the final recital in the largest preserved antique representative hall.

Video of the Schroeder’s Chorals awarded with the special prize is available on YouTube

Trier – Konstantin-Basilika – Eule Organ
Himmerod Abbey – With the Jury members and Participants